Our featured storyteller with her awareness of the other-world will connect listeners with immortal experiences through tales of her own quirky experiences and stories.
Audience members as chosen by spirit will receive messages through this gifted medium/channeler. Private reads may also be arranged on premise.
Will showcase his metaphysical gifts using orb and aura divination during audience presentation.
Using her unique talent of psychometry Paisley will read personal items, jewellery and keys of some lucky volunteers. Will also be available for private reads
Participate in a paranormal investigation at The Columbia with the Glen & Janessa Paranormal Investigators!
Paranormal Investigation of the historical Columbia theatre on June 17th
As a table traveler she will use her intuitive skills of palmistry "to read the pathways of your soul" as she roves through the audience. Also available for private palm and tarot card reads
If you are intrigued by the unknown, what waits for us in the future or slumbers in the dark corners of silent rooms, if you believe the dead are never really gone and our loved ones are waiting to make contact, If you seek answers from those who walk among us with gifts of mediumship who are able to lift the veil and allow us a glimpse of what is or could be … your concepts of life after death will forever be altered when all is revealed on June 17th.
Expect the unexpected when you attend this unique event created to provide answers to questions we hardly dare ask
This event has brought together a varied group of psychic presenters enthused about sharing their individual gifts of mediumship through seeing, hearing, feeling, and speaking with spirit that will be demonstrated before your eyes to numerous audience members. Our Roving Table Readers will be mingling with the audience providing mini reads in aura, palm, orb and tarot card. Tales of the Unknown as related by our storyteller are sure to captivate the imagination and enhance your knowledge of psychic phenomena. Also, joining us will be members of The Society for Psychical Research and film crew of Chronicles of the Unknown to conduct an investigation of the Columbia.
The opportunity of private psychic reads will be available at additional cost, and small group demonstrations of paranormal investigative techniques/equipment at additional cost